Friday, December 02, 2005


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This isn't really like my sort of art, but when doing a photo shoot in my aunt's ballgown (now mine! mwahaha) this came out. I was actually just looking up and Laura snapped a picture, not posing for some dark depressing thing. Anyway. I liked the shadows and such so I decided to post it. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh! So dramatic.... the shadows are lovely. You look very tragic.

I want to see your ball dress!

Anonymous said...

i'm entranced, Alyssa. there is such a celebration of beauty within this picture. the lines of your neck and chin are so dramatic and chilling. i want this picture.

Anonymous said...

Oh, glory. Alyssa, it's absolutely stunning. It's gothic/Romantic without being too "dark". Might I use it some time?

~{Mara Idhrenniel}~