Friday, December 28, 2007

Bluejeans and Leaves

This second location for the Photoshoot With A Hanger was very nice. Unfortunately, in most of the pictures I either look like I have a double chin or am headless. I was fixing this problem with the joyful family came near me and I decided not to scare them with my beeping self-timer.


My shoes, which do not look like grandma upholstery, but in fact are funky and cute. *coughs at Laura*


Golden Bark

A boy rode by on his bike and said hello to me, so I pretended to take pictures of the tree.

Autumn's Last

This is from the photoshoot which had no photographer but myself. The creative use of a hanger and trees was employed, as my tripod has gone missing. Most of the pictures did not turn out, and half of what I'd imagined doing was impossible due to the fact that you only have so much patience for a hanger/there are some things hangers can't do/there was a family playing nearby and I didn't want them to think I was crazy or something.

Anyway. This is my new hat and scarf. I'm also wearing a very cute purple shirt, which you can't see due to the jacket and scarf.

It is not easy opening your eyes like that with the sun beaming in them. But I wanted to show off my eyes, so...I suffered dutifully.

(And, erm, two people honked on me during my walks to and from the park. Is that a compliment? ...)

Light of the World

On Christmas Eve


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


My regency dress and pretty hair.

Flaming Bun

A lovely shot of the hair. It's so pretty. :) The regency dress is pretty too.

Regency Dress

I look rather awkward, but the regency dress is a little hard to wear and I was in a time scrunch.


I don't like this one as much. But still, it's my Regency dress and hair.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Regency View

Random. But I like it a lot.


Princess Liola, from a story Abigail and I do.

Okay, her face didn't come out quite right, and stuff, but I like it still. I want to try the colors again. I kind of like the brown/black/blue.

Autumn's Leaves

Gold & Storm

Random. I liked the colors.

Pink Dress

Another random dress design. I think this would be very pretty, actually, though I don't know if you can really see what it is. The watercolors sort of blended too much, so you can't see what's skin and what isn't.


Robin, a character Abigail and I use. I think she's cute.

Midnight Troubles

Jrohest after a nightmare.

Perspective is all wrong, but I'm fairly pleased.

Purple Ball Gown

Designed by me. :)

I imagine this is something Ella would wear, Abigail. For the rest of you, just pretend it's...a gown. Which it is. So that makes it easy on you.

Emma Shoots

Emma, from Jane Austen's book. Also a good movie.

Her face didn't come out just right, but this was my second painting with watercolor pencils so I think I did pretty good.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Red and Gold

Picture was set up by me, taken by Laura, modeled by me. All the editing is by me too. Text by Eva Cassidy.


I set this all up, with the mega focus and all, but, regrettably, I had to be the model. I suppose when I had Laura take the camera she moved it, which is why the leaves are out of focus.

Autumn's Red Glow

Laura took this. I'm holding the leaves.

I rotated it and cloned out all the branches in the background.

Added textures and such.


Added text, and got a header/wallpaper. :)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mr. Burd!

A character from a story Katherine and I do.

He looks a little odd, which is mostly my camera's fault. Alas, to not have a scanner! Also the drawing isn't this dark.