I can't believe in myself.
I saw the center picture on sxc one day and the title (Do You Believe In Me?) and thought of the RP character I act out in the new RP with Abigail. He starts as a shepherd who can't remember his childhood, then when he is captured by slave-traders they find out by a mark on his chest that he is the prince and heir to the throne. He escapes with the help of a wanderer, Kiel, who he later find out was an old friend of his when he was little, and that "Kiel" is actually Kila, or Elizabeth. He starts to train himself so he can take up his heirship without making a fool of himself, but his time is cut short when he is captured by a treasure-hunter looking to turn him in for the huge reward over his head. "Kiel" finds and rescues him again, and when he's just let out a sigh of relief he finds out one of his older sisters is getting married within two weeks to a lord Kiel is determined is corrupt. He has to face himself, and decides he has no choice but to go to the capitol whether or not he is prepared.
The puppy on the left is Hunter, his new dog after his old one was killed by the slave-traders. The man above the puppy is Nashar, the corrupt lord. Above that is a wolf (I suppose it has something to do with Tiran's shepherd life, it somehow just found its way into the manip), and to the right are stars. Tiran had a talk with his boss, Mr. Wels, about the stars one night after he found out who he was, in which Mr. Wels encouraged him to look to the Only One, and Tiran shrugged it off. Below that is, obviously, Tiran, and some book (Mr. Wels teaches him to read). Beside that is Kila. I am rather proud of her because I had to paint her shirt and the cloak is another layer. Above her is herself, younger, probably from one of Tiran's memories. The N that's faded out is... complicated. Let's just say Tiran has it branded on his arm.
This isn't my best creation, but I'm liking it.
Wolf - someone on DA
Tiran, Nashar, Hunter, book, young Kila - sxc
Kila - Morgiana
Stars - Google I think
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