Based on Chapter 14 of Storm Front, a LOTR fanfic. Even if you have not read all of this fic, or those before it, I encourage you to read it, because it has so much emotion and is very well written. I'm not sure yet how much I like this manip, but it took me a long time to make (what's new?). So, yes.
Wallpaper (just changed the boarder).
War of the Ring
1 comment:
Hi! I'm Lalaith_Elerrina from TORC. Lalaith works fine. My goodness, this is well done! 38 layers must've taken a bit of work. But it looks very loverly!
Hey, if you don't mind, there's a certain story on TORC that I'm trying to discuss with a few people to see if they got the same reaction to it, that I did. My email's loralee_evans@yahoo.com if you feel inclined. If not, that's okay, too. :)
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