A manip for the fanfic Katherine and I are writing. The main people in this are (left to right) Lalaith (Tuilinn's [the main character] closest friend), Ardir (Tuilinn's brother), Tuilinn, Legolas (need I say more?), Galadriel, Eowyn, and Tuilinn again. This has more layers than I want to count, and was pretty hard to put together. But at the moment, I am satisfied.
Oh, and I am NOT a Legolas fan. You would not believe how many pictures I had to wade through before finding one that looked even somewhat intelligent.
Click for non-colorized.
Time: About three and a half hours, or more. (I kept forgetting things I wanted in it (i.e. the swallow, and Legolas.)
Textures: pbstock and sxc
Lalaith in white: EyesOfUnknown-Stock
Lalaith in cloak: Someone-on-DA-I-cannot-find-their-account
Tuilinn: Dove-Stock
Swallow: Google
Other: WaroftheRing
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