Thursday, July 31, 2008

Only Time [2]

A remake of Only Time. The significant difference is the over exposure and saturation. :)


I know this is an old picture. I was going back through old pictures as I was selecting photos to put on another website, and I wanted to edit this one. It was far too purple/blue and dark last time. I like this version much better.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bright Blue

Thoughts in Gold and Cream

Pride and Prejudice

My 1800's version of Pride and Prejudice.


Vaguely Amused

Picture Show

I didn't know which I liked better. :D

Classically Blue

Playing with color and saturation.


This isn't exactly what came into my head, but... *shrug*

The Dreamer is having a fanart contest right now. In the middle of the night, I came up with an idea. It was to do a photo manip/just photo. My thought was to do half and half--half modern, half colonial (as Bea). So one side of my hair is up, one is down and casual, one side has make-up, one doesn't, one hand has a watch on, one has a glove and fan, etc. When I tried it out it didn't work like I'd envisioned. When I put on the make-up, I do such a good job of blending and looking natural you really couldn't tell the difference between sides unless you looked hard (I'm wonderful, I know). I thought about doing colonial make up on the other side, but 1) Bea doesn't do that and 2) I don't have any white powder stuff. Then when I curled my hair (for added wave) it came out so well I had to put the original idea aside and do something else. When I was done with that I did a couple time-travel ones. They're not really Dreamer-ish, but I think they're interesting. This one is the only one that came out well enough to be posted. But if someone likes the idea, I might set up my stuff and do more tomorrow.

Concept: Me.
Editing: Me.
Composition, photography, set, etc.: Me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008



The Fourth

Dad on the Fourth of July.


Sandy Feet





Megan's cousin, Reagan.





Beautiful Girl

Little Hands

Megan holding Carson's hand.


One morning at an outdoor coffee shop.

Motherly Hands

Nicole feeding Carson. His mom is the blur in the background.


Sweet Little Boy

Carson, Megan's cousin.


Heheh, not the most flattering title. But I love how Megan's just strrreetching for a look.

Little Beauty

This is by far my favorite of the squirrels. I love how the depth of field is just focused on the face--everything else blurs.

Leaf Bottoms


A Squirrel's Home

I liked both of these for different reasons. The first is more of a habitat picture, the second is more of a portrait.


Purple and White




I love the detail and the spider webs. I was nearly ten feet away and zoomed all the way in. *hugs camera* I love my camera when it is nice.


I love how this came out.



The Hotel Del Coronado.

A Fog

Little Bird

Blue Skies

I couldn't decide which I liked best.