Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Tyler's senior portrait. When they saw his official one done in school they didn't like it, so Aunt Janet asked me to do it for him. This is the one we choose out of the many I took.

Photo&Touch Up: Me.
Model: Tyler.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


I wanted to make a simple wallpaper for Narnia, and decided to make this one. Based slightly off my icon.

Enjoy and comment!

Picture - Infuze Magazine
Brushes - DA
Textures - AutumnsGoddess-stox and Resurgere

Monday, May 08, 2006


The tide changes, the light changes, her thoughts change.

Thinking about submitting this in HSLDA's photo contest for Change.

Photo: Me
Model: Laura


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Photo: Me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Oy Vey. Brothers.

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Jason and Nicole playing.

Models: J&N.
Pictures: Me.

Into the West

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CA sunset with a sailboat on the horizon.

Photo: Me.

Stuck in the Sand

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Laura and Philip buried themselves.

Models: Laura and Philip.
Photo: Me.

Fountain [2]

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Still waiting for Dad and amusing myself.

Picture: Me.

Top Dog

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Philip, playing at a playground. I was snapping picture of him while waiting for Dad.

Photo: Me.
Model: Philip.