Didn't color this one. *is proud* Sadly, it looks kind of... not all together. Oh well. I'm satisfied. The story I've made up for this is the dude you can at the door is off to war, and the girl is holding a flower he gave her. I could not find a dude in the right position, so finally I gave in and found a picture of Legolas. :P Oh well. You can't tell.
Another manip! I was determined to do this in normal colors, but it didn't work out for certain reasons, so I have in and made it silver. :P Oh well. I like it anyhow.
Was looking at DA some today, flower pictures. I got some ideas, and editted one of my own photos. I am very pleased with the turn out, even if Philip and Laura think it looks like an upsidedown bug, which I really don't understand.
Tried a new thing on GIMP. I didn't know I could do boarders so easily! (I was having to use Paint for that :P) Here she is again at the top of some stairs.